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Join the residents of Beady Town at their “Beady Town Theme Park”. There are lots of rides to go on, including a rollercoaster, Ferris wheel, helter-skelter, screaming swing and carousel.
See the residents paying to enter the park at the ticket booth, waving to you or even enjoying their rides.
This bead pattern is made using Japanese Miyuki size 11 Delica beads and peyote or brick stitch can be used. It is assumed the beader will be familiar with either Brick, Peyote or Both. Peyote and Brick stitch bead instructions are available free on Please note the pattern may not work with any other size and type of beads.
There are 12 colours in total and the finished beadwork is approximately 14 cm x 3.75 mm.
The bead pattern is mounted on a wooden box with lid and suppliers of this item are given in our links section on
The bead pattern supplied is 8 pages and includes close up photo(s) of the finished bead work, a colour chart of suggested delicas, a colour pattern, a numbered coloured pattern and assembly instructions.
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