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Beading Equipment

Beading Scissors

When beading, you will need scissors to cut the thread. We recommend embroidery scissors, and by that we mean scissors with a thin short sharp blade. Whilst technically you can use household scissors, as the blades are so thick you can’t cut the thread close enough to the beadwork and you will get little unsightly short pieces of thread sticking out.

See our tip of typing off thread, and how we cut the thread so it can’t be seen, Tip: Tying Thread Off / On

It's always worth investing in a good pair of scissors, but make sure you look after them. Embroidery scissors can blunt easily, especially if you are using them to cut things you shouldn’t. If you are beading using a thread like Fireline, DO NOT use your best embroidery scissors – they will blunt quickly.

Check out our tip for scissors, Tip: Keeping Embroidery Scissors Sharp

My Recommendation

Any of the below scissors we sell are ideal for our sort of beading. I now use the Stork embroidery scissors and have been happy with them. At some point when they have worn out I will ugrade to the Tulip ones, but they are still going strong at the moment.

Stork Embroidery Scissors
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Embroidery Scissors
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Beadsmith Thread Cutter with Cover
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Xuron Precision Scissors
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